For a child and parents, starting preschool can be quite daunting. Many parents are often worried when their child gets upset when they leave them at the Centre. We've put together some helpful guides to assist you and your child in the settling process.
What if my child is unhappy when I leave?
A child is far more likely to be unsettled by a caregiver who sneaks away than by one who says goodbye, even if your child is crying.
Be positive; if your child shows some initial distress do not feel that this is a reflection on you as a parent or us at Spotted Frog. It is a well identified phenomenon of separation anxiety.
Short visits prior to their start date are a good way of easing your separation. Parting can be stressful for both of you. Eventually your child will overcome this issue as they learn that parents do return everyday and that Spotted Frog is full of interest and intrigue.
Usually a quick hug and a smile is the kindest way and a staff member will engage them in something they like to distract them.
You are also most welcome to phone and talk to a staff member to check on your child’s wellbeing throughout the day.
Open Door Policy
We encourage parents to be involved in the centre and promote an open door policy and communication process.
This promotes a feeling of involvement and a sense of belonging within the Spotted Frog environment.
This is a family place and you and your extended family are welcome to pop in at any time.
Parent Involvement
As well as popping in, you will be encouraged to take part in our review programme. When we are reviewing a policy or procedure we will either send this by email or home with your child.
We encourage you to take the time to read these and send back any suggestions that you have. These will be considered as part of the review.
We also hold regular parent evenings. These take a variety of forms – a night of information on a parenting topic, an evening to socialize together as a centre or a chance to talk to staff 1 on 1 about the development of your child.
We have a Facebook page where you can keep updated on what is happening in the centre. From time to time we also send out Newsletters. These will include up and coming topics, parenting information and other important information that you will need to know.
We also have an electronic portfolio system. Storypark is our electronic portfolio service where you and other nominated relatives can receive frequent updates on learning activities your child has been involved in. Please enjoy these stories, make comments or add your own.