Our centre operates much like a typical primary school when it comes to supplying food and drink.
Your child will need to bring their own lunch box with food for morning tea and lunch and drink bottle every day they attend.
We are a nut-free centre so please do not pack nuts for your child as this may endanger our other children.
We will provide afternoon tea. This is a small snack, often baking prepared by the children and fruit.
Water is offered at every meal and there is a water tap available at all times.
Lunch Box Ideas
Children need a balanced lunchbox to allow them to have the energy to learn and play. The following is a list of ideas that you might wish to try out in your childs lunchbox:
- Vegetables and Fruit
- Milk and milk products
- Breads and cereals
- Lean meat and meat alternatives
Helpful tips when it comes to food
Involve your children in lunchbox choices and preparation. You could make your own healthy lunch at the same time.
Roll it, stuff it or spread it. Try different breads to keep lunches interesting like wraps, pita bread, fruit bread, muffin splits or rewana bread.
Cut sandwiches into different shapes using a biscuit cutter or knife.
Stop sandwiches going soggy. Pack bread and fillings separately and let your child make their own sandwich at lunchtime.
Make items in bulk and keep in the freezer, for example mini pizzas, mousetraps or frittata.
Add lemon juice to cut up fruit (apples and pears) to stop them going brown.
Choose water, the best drink for your child.
A frozen drink bottle or icepack helps keep milk products and meat/meat alternatives cold until lunchtime. Frozen bread also helps keep sandwich fillings cold.
Do you have more questions?
If you have any questions about packed lunches or have another other concerns, feel free to get in touch.
Email Bee: