Regulation - 45 1a(ii), 46 1a, 46 a b, 57
The centre recognises that illness can spread very easily among children and staff. We provide a safe environment and all efforts are made to reduce the risk of illness spreading. The responsibility for reducing the spread of illness lies with staff, parents and caregivers.
- 1.To set guidelines on the length of exclusion for different illnesses
- 2.To guide the process for excluding a child who is unwell.
- 3.To maintain a safe an hygienic environment for all children attending the centre
- Parents or named guardian will be contacted if a child becomes ill whilst in the centre, and asked to collect their child.
- Children should stay away from the centre when they are ill and causing concern or have no interest in activities or play; have little energy, want or need to sleep or rest for long periods; cry easily, are irritable or in pain; constantly want to held and comforted or have a fever.
- We do not provide care for children who are unwell, have a temperature, or sickness and diarrhoea, or who have an infectious disease.
- A sick child who is awaiting collection by a parent or caregiver will be encouraged in to a quiet area of the centre, and will be comforted accordingly by a member of staff. Their condition will be monitored closely.
- Children with headlice are not excluded (unless heavily infested, in which case parents will be contacted and asked to collect), but must be treated to remedy the condition.
- Parents are notified (sign will be placed in entrance) if there is a case of headlice in the centre.
- Parents are notified (via a sign) if there is an infectious disease, such as chicken pox, in the centre.
- HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) may affect children or families attending the setting. Staff will be informed about it.
- Children or families are not excluded because of HIV.
- Good hygiene practice concerning the clearing of any spilled bodily fluids is carried out at all times.
- Parents are asked not to bring into the centre any child who has been vomiting or had diarrhoea until at least 48 hours has elapsed since the last attack.
- Parents are asked to keep their children at home if they have any infection, and to inform the centre as to the nature of the infection so that the centre can alert other parents, and make careful observations of any child who seems unwell.
- Parents are asked to be considerate when returning children to the centre following a notifiable infectious disease such as Chicken Pox, Mumps etc., and that the recommended isolation period is complete.
- Cuts and open sores, whether on adults or children, will be covered with a dressing.
- The owner or supervisor and the public health service may exclude children and staff who have certain infectious illnesses.
- The Health Act 1956 requires doctors to inform or notify the local Medical Officer of Health if they suspect an infectious illness. This is done so steps can be taken to make sure the illness does not spread to others.
Exclusion Period
Chicken Pox - At least 5 days from onset of rash and until all spots have turned to dry scabs
Cold sores (herpes simplex) None – recommended to stay away if they are dribbling or until the sore has stopped weeping
Conjunctivitis - Until clear, advise parent to visit GP for treatment
Diarrhoea and vomiting - 48 hours from last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting
'Flu' (influenza) - Until recovered
Hand foot and mouth - Until blisters are dry and they are well
Head Lice - None - treatment required from parent – however, we reserve the right to exclude a heavily invested child until treated, to contain the spread of head lice
Hepatitis A - Until well and until at least 7 days after jaundice appears
Hepatitis B - Until they are well. Unimmunised children/staff advised.
Impetigo - 24 hours after treatment has started. Sores to be covered until healed
Measles* - 5 days from onset of rash
Mumps* - 9 days from onset of swollen glands
Whooping Cough* - 5 days from commencement of antibiotic treatment or 21 days from onset of illness if no antibiotic treatment is refused
Ringworm - Until treatment commenced
Rubella - (German measles)7 days after the rash appears
Scabies- Return when treatment has finished
Shingles - Exclude only if rash is weeping & cannot be covered
Tonsillitis - None, but see GP for treatment
Warts and Verrucae - None, but should be covered if on feet